Welcome to CISOR’s Official Website

Welcome to the Official website of CISOR – Inter-allied Confederation of Reserve Non-commissioned Officers

The CISOR representatives present at the Presidency handover from Germany to Finland in November 2024.
In the picture: President of CISOR 2022-2024 Reinhard KNOTT, Germany (front row, 5th from left) and
President of CISOR 2024-2026 Minna NENONEN, Finland (middle row 2nd from right)

Upcoming Events

Date: 29 January to 1 February 2025
Event: Central Committee (CC) Meeting
Location: Brussels, Belgium

Date: 9 to 5 May 2025
Event: IBM Meeting
Location: Oslo, Norway

Date: 9 to 11 May 2025
Event: Raid International Ares Tactical Patrol Competition
Location: Carranque (Madrid), Spain

Date: 28 July to 1 August 2025
Event: CC Meeting and CIOR Summer Congress
Location: To be confirmed

Date: 15 to 19 October 2025
Event: Military Competition
Location: Oirschot, The Netherlands

Date: 18 to 22 February 2026
Event: CC Meeting
Location: Slovenia, TBC

Date: Summer 2026
Event: CC Meeting and CIOR Summer Congress
Location: Vienna, Austria

Date: 19 to 26 October 2026
Event: CC Meeting and Presidency handover
Location: Parola, Finland

Past Events

Date: 29 October to 2 November 2024
Event: Presidency handover from Germany to Finland
Location: Berlin, Germany


Happy Finnish Independence Day!


CISOR joins in congratulating Finland for its 107th Independence Day on 6 November 2024!
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää, Suomi!

Picture: Finnish CISOR Presidency team

Gallery added to CISOR webpage


A picture gallery has been added to the CISOR webpage. Pictures from CISOR and related events will be added to the gallery, which you can find here.

First Finnish Presidency CC-meeting in Brussels


The First Central Committee meeting hosted by Finland will be arranged in Brussels, Belgium from 29 January to 1 February. On the agenda will be a visit to NATO HQ and a joint event with the Inter-Allied Reserve Officers’ Confederation (CIOR).

Presidency handover from DEU to FIN


The CISOR presidency was handed over from Germany to Finland during the CISOR CC Meeting in Berlin on Thursday 31 October.

The Finnish Reservists’ Association’s Chief Executive Officer and FIN CISOR VP, Sergeant Major Minna Nenonen is the 2nd Finnish president of CISOR. She is also CISOR’s first female president.

New CISOR webpage for upcoming FIN presidency


The Finnish upcoming presidency team has launched the new Official webpage for CISOR at the address www.cisor.org. The webpage will be available in English, but for historical reasons, some basic and historical material will also be available in French. A forward from the previous address cisor.net has also been added.

CISOR on social media


CISOR – Inter-allied Confederation of Reserve Non-commissioned Officers
c/o Finnish Reservists’ Association
Döbelninkatu 2
00260 Helsinki


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