The CISOR Organization

CISOR’s Central Committee

The highest executive board for CISOR is the Central Committee, which consists of all member countries’ highest representatives to CISOR, the Vice Presidents. Each member country has one Vice President, who usually is the Chief Executive Officer, President or equivalent high ranking Non-Commissioned Officer within the country’s Reservist/Reserve NCO organization. Whereas CISOR member country organizations can elect representatives from all ranks, the Vice President must be a Non-Commisioned Officer.

The President of CISOR is in general elected from within the Vice Presidents.

CISOR’s Commissions

CISOR has two permanent Commissions: Training and Regulations Commission and Excercises and Competitions Commission.

The two Commissions convene regulary for meetings within their respective fields of responsibilities. The Commissions report to the Central Committee of CISOR. The Commission’s compositions may vary, but all CISOR full member countries are entitled to appoint Commission members. The President country’s representative in each Commission is Chair for the Commission during his/her country’s Presidency of CISOR.

Training and Regulations Commission

The Training and Regulations Commission handles questions concerning legal issues, training activities as well as the updating of the Internal Regulations.

Master Sergeant (OR-8) Arto NOUSIAINEN is Chairman of the Training and Regulations Commission 2024-2026.

Excercises and Competitions Commission

The Excercises and Competitions Commission is in charge of organizing the Military Competition Events as well as other program related to Excercises and Competitions.

Sergeant First Class (OR-7) Anni PITKO is Chair of the Excercises and Competitions Commission 2024-2026.

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